Labour is the Party of law and order

Everyone has a right to feel safe and secure in their homes and in their community.

I’ve listened on the doorstep to households concerned about anti-social behaviour, parents worried about their children being exposed to drugs and recently we’ve seen Buxton market targeted by vandals.
The Conservative record on law and order is criminal.

The Conservatives talk tough on crime but the reality is, after 13 years, they are missing in action in the fight against crime.

Communities feel under threat, while police have disappeared from our streets. Trials are delayed for years because of the biggest courts backlog on record, with a record number of criminals getting off scot-free.

Locally, we have seen our police stations close including in New Mills and Chapel. In New Mills the hope of a Safer Neighbourhoods Team base has also been thwarted due to funding issues. This means across the length of High Peak, we only have two police stations and no custody suites.

There were 2074 police officers in Derbyshire under the last Labour government. By 2017 the Conservatives had cut 364 of those police officers.
As the next general election approaches the Conservatives have suddenly realised that their cuts to police forces are unpopular and unsafe.

Despite this, as of September 2022, there were still 73 less police officers protecting the towns and villages in High Peak than when the Conservatives came to power.

And they have cut the number of PCSOs by 15% in Derbyshire since 2010.

The local Conservative MP should be ashamed of his Party’s record on law and order.

The next Labour government will prioritise preventing crime by putting 13,000 extra neighbourhood police and PCSOs on our streets.

We will punish anti-social behaviour with tougher sentences for offenders and we will protect our communities with more police, more action to stop young people being drawn into crime, more prosecutions and by standing up for victims.

A Labour government means safer homes, safer streets and safer communities.

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