NHS Survey: Your Experiences with Local NHS Services

Our NHS is in Crisis. So many people across High Peak have contacted me about their experiences with our local NHS services. A young family stuck in A & E for hours, a child distraught at having their operation cancelled at the last minute due to staff shortages, a lady diagnosed with cancer feeling she had choice but to pay huge private fees rather than face the anxiety of waiting for NHS treatments.

There are hundreds of people dying each week unnecessarily across our NHS because of the mismanagement and underfunding by this government.

NHS Dentists are becoming as rare as hen’s teeth across our towns – with most recently dentists in New Mills and Glossop ceasing to provide NHS services forcing their patients to pay for private care. Costing families hundreds of pounds of additional costs, which many simply cannot afford during the worst crisis in living costs in living memory.

The NHS is part of my DNA. My Mum was a nurse like her parents before her. My wife, nephew, and niece all work for the NHS today. As a lawyer I advise in the health and social care sector. I hear first-hand the pressure the NHS is under.
There are not enough staff. There are not enough beds. And there is not enough social care, which results in many patients being stuck in hospital who do not need to be there.

I want the NHS to survive and thrive. I believe in the NHS’s founding principle that it should be free at the point of access for all. The Conservatives are starting to talk about charging people to see their GP and receive care at A & E.

I want to make the case for better healthcare services for the people of High Peak. Please help me by completing my quick survey and telling me about your experiences.


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I was proud to highlight the incredible efforts of 16 year-old Sam Elliot from Buxton in the House of Commons this week! 🎉

His dedication to fundraising for Prostate Cancer UK is truly inspiring. 👏🏼

Prostate cancer is the most common cancer in men, but the earlier you find it, the easier it is to treat. Check your risk in 30 seconds here 👇🏼

🔗 prostatecanceruk.org/risk-checker

#prostatecanceruk #InspiringYouth #buxton #highpeak #menshealth
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2 days ago

15 CommentsComment on Facebook

Well done, Sam. You’re an inspiration. 😍

Beccy Elliott Tom Elliott you must be so proud. Sam Elliot well done 👏🏻 👏🏻 xxx

Well done sam as someone who lost there dad to prostate cancer it's lovely to see the younger generation helping with fundraising well done 👏 it's nice to see some positive in parliament for once 💙

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